What is Mediation?

Mediation is a structured interactive process where an impartial third party assists disputing parties in resolving conflicts through the use of specialized communication and negotiation techniques. All participants in mediation are encouraged to actively participate in the process.

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Who should use mediation?

Mediation can proceed before, during and even after a case has been filed and litigated in court.

Mediation can also proceed in lieu of court, helping resolve disputes without the emotional and financial expense of court.

Cost Benefits of Mediation

If you are represented by an attorney and your case is ordered to mediation, choosing a strong experienced mediator is critical to getting your case settled rather than just going through the motions and ending up in an protracted expensive trial. You might spend days on trial preparation and in trial and spending tens of thousands of dollars all while facing an unknown result. Why spend all that money for a roll of the dice in front of a judge or jury?

If you are not represented by an attorney, mediation makes even more sense and is even more cost effective.

Most mediation sessions take only a few hours while some may take multiple sessions depending on the complexity of the case and the number of parties involved.

The cost of mediation for one or two days is a fraction of what you will pay for weeks or months of attorney fees.

The cost of your meditation will be set at the time of hiring and there will be no surprises and no hidden fees.

Save your hard earned money and invest in the mediation process and lets get your disputes settled once and for all!

Almost all cases are subject to mediation such as

Family law cases
  • Divorce
  • Child Custody & Visitation
  • Division of Assets & Debts
  • Child Support
  • Juvenile Support
  • Paternity
Civil Law Cases
  • Auto Accidents
  • Probate Disputes
  • Workplace Injuries
  • Property Disputes
  • Neighbor & HOA Dispute
  • Elder Abuse Matters

The Mediation Process

The Mediation process is very simple. Whether you’ve been ordered by the court to mediate your case or whether you are doing this voluntarily to settle a dispute, you and the other party must agree who you want to be the mediator.

The Mediation Process

The Mediation process is very simple. Whether you’ve been ordered by the court to mediate your case or whether you are doing this voluntarily to settle a dispute, you and the other party must agree who you want to be the mediator.


Both parties must agree on a mediator. If you both agree that Weatherford Mediation Center is the correct choice for you, simply call and set up an introductory appointment.


We will schedule a mediation date and set the appointment. If either party has an attorney representing them, the attorney is required to contact us to discuss mediation and set the appointment.


At your scheduled appointment, we will review the process, basic issues, and we will begin. We will take any amount of time needed to settle your dispute and reach a written and signed agreement.


If you are involved in a pending court case and are mediating pursuant to a court order, we will advise the court that an agreement was reached. The agreement will be filed and documented with the court.


In some cases, you may need to hire an attorney to prepare the final closing court documents. We will discuss this at the time of your mediation.